SHAPE: CUSTOM MESH BODY: MAITREYA LARA HEAD: CATWA CATYA BENTO VENGE ROSALIE RIBBON COLLAR COMES IN GOLD AND SILVER AND CAN BE FOUND @ ULTRA EVENT JR WOLF CREATIONS M.P DARK YULE DRESS WITH TEXTUR HUD WHICH CAN BE FOUND @ GARDEN OF SHADOWS JR WOLF CREATIONS M.P THE 10L$ GIFT THE GRUMPY ELVES COLLECTION Just a little note about the elves....these are just decor, sorry no holding them or anything like that...I have to head away in real life so running out of time to get everything done that I need to so maybe next time I will do some ones you can hold as well!! They are scripted with 9 different grumpy christmas wishes, you just need to click them and they will say one random little saying. It's totally random so you might click 8 times and get 8 totally different messages or you might click 8 times and get the same's really up to how grumpy the elf is feeling that day and how cooperative he or she wants to be really! WHICH CAN B